What Physiotherapy has to offer as part of elder care

In earlier days, people were habituated with daily activities. The earlier activities of people used to be more physical than mental. However, with the change of time and the advancement in the technological areas, people are intended to live a life with fewer amounts of physical activities and more mental pressure. This leads to various ailments and health issues. Some mental problems are also associated with lack of physical exercise and activities. The closeness to nature is a vital part to keep mankind in its good form, which is missing these days. All these have made health issues predominant to a large extent. The problems are more prevalent in older adults than in the younger generation. This is why elder care in Kolkata is so much important.

What should be the solution to the problems?
Older age leads to malfunction of several body parts. Some are associated with body organ failure in extreme cases. Many older patients comprise of several types of health issues and the most salient being immobility. The solution to the issues is taking precautions. There is an old adage “Precaution is always greater than cure”. The saying is true. If regular exercises and yoga are practiced, health issues can be restricted to a large extent. However, this is always not possible due to busy and hectic schedules. So, there is a need for medication, treatment, and types of therapies whenever required or in the old age. Among the different therapies available, physical therapies are the most common and effective one.

What benefits physiotherapies offer to old individuals?
The occurrences of different issues include back pain, joint pain, arthritis, muscle stiffness, inflammation, ligament damage as well as limited or no mobility at all. The physical therapies can help to remove or minimize the issues to a large extent and the benefits are:

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